Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Down Low on Detox Diets

Detox diets: Healthy or harmful?  Necessary or useless?  It really depends on a multitude of things.  What, why, and how are all important questions to ask here - so let's answer them.  

First off, what is a detox?  'Detox' is short for detoxification and is usually some sort of method (dieting, fasting, etc.) to rid the body of unwanted toxins gained from the consumption of certain foods or drinks.  My opinion on detox methods: extreme is usually not necessary.  Fasting or consuming solely liquid for days is neither sustainable or natural.  Try a fresh and (almost) raw diet for a few days and then ease into making this your lifestyle.  Read more about detox diets on the Mayo Clinic website and WebMD.  

Second, why (for what reason) are you looking to detox?  If you're reason for 'detox-ing' is only to lose weight and lose weight fast, you should probably rethink your strategy.  The healthy rate of weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week, so be patient and lose those pounds the healthy and lasting way.  If you want to rid your body of toxins to feel better and adapt a healthy lifestyle, then you're on the right track.  It's going to take more effort than a week of juices, though.  It's a lifetime commitment of healthy eating and exercise!   

Lastly, how do you plan on going about it?  As of now, there is no scientific proof that any marketed detox supplements or colon cleanses are actually beneficial (and not harmful).  Stick to what we know!  Eat a diet full of natural and unprocessed foods - this is the way to health and sustained weight loss.  Try natural detoxifying foods like leafy greens, blueberries, lemons, broccoli sprouts, cabbage, sesame seeds, and green tea.   

Try this "3-Day Detox Diet" to get yourself on the right track.  Eat when you're hungry!  This is a guideline (so do NOT starve yourself) just maintain self-discipline and stick to natural foods like the ones suggested below (go ahead and incorporate some of the foods listed above, as well!).

Tip: Substitute fresh fruit for the brown sugar in your oatmeal during Day 3 and use a peanut butter that only contains peanuts (no added sugar or oils).  If you find that this is not enough food to support your level of activity - then eat more!  After the three days are up, don't revert back to bad habits - ease yourself into making this type of eating your lifestyle - THEN you will see and feel lasting results.

Congrats to Lily, Michelle, Kelly, and I for finishing the Big House Big Heart 5K this weekend...felt great to run across that 50 yard line! 

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