Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Speaking Java

I'd like to dedicate this post to my reason for waking, what keeps the days going strong, and what perks me up when things are looking down: coffee.  Not only does that comforting cup of joe provide an almost instant pick-me-up, it provides health benefits up the wah-zoo (in moderation of course).  But for many, staring at that chalkboard drink list in The Grind can be slightly overwhelming.  I'm going to translate the java jargon into English, so next time you'll know what you're drinking when you order a cafe macchiato latte iced with three extra shots of espresso (if that's even possible).

Coffee for Dummies (not that any of you are dummies):

Espresso - brewed by forcing a small amount of boiling water through finely ground coffee beans
Cappuccino - espresso and steamed milk topped with milk foam (more milk foam than latte)
Latte - espresso and steamed milk topped with milk foam (more steamed milk than cappuccino)
Americano - espresso and hot water
Cafe Mocha - espresso, chocolate syrup, steamed milk, and milk foam
Espresso Macchiato - espresso, steamed milk, milk foam (majority of drink is espresso)
Cafe au Lait - half coffee and half steamed milk

Most drinks are based off of these originals.  Flavored lattes and cappuccinos simply add a flavored syrup.  You can lower the calories and saturated fat on any of these drinks by requesting fat-free milk (and sugar-free syrup if you're going with a flavored cup).  

Effect on exercise:  It is thought that coffee (natural caffeine) can positively affect your perception of exercise.  This means that it may not necessarily affect your actual performance, but your workout could feel easier.  Try a cup or two (an actual measured cup) about a half hour before you exercise and see how it makes you feel.  Everyone is different, so it's best to test it out yourself and decide if it's something that benefits you.

In loving memory of my Grandma Susie: Susie Q - Creedence Clearwater Revival

1 comment:

  1. That was very sweet of you and you know that she loved you to no end
