Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rock Hard Core

We're not just going for rock hard abs here - we're going for a rock hard core.  This means your whole middle (front, sides, and back)  and you have to hit it all if you want that sculpted tummy you see in underwear ads.  Strengthening your core will not only make that new swimsuit look great, but also help prevent injury and improve your form on all other exercises - so let's get to it!

30 second Front Plank
30 second Side Plank (both sides!)
30 second Superman
30 second Scissor Kicks
*Rest and repeat 2 - 3 times total.
*Change times (higher or lower) based on your fitness level.
*Click on the links for a demonstration of each exercise.
*Forewarning: you'll feel this in your legs and arms as well - full body!

Tips on exercises:
Front Plank - Keep your body a straight line (core tight & butt down) and breathe.
Side Plank - Keep your hips up and obliques tight (side muscles).
Superman - Squeeze your arms and legs up off the ground as much as you can.  If you are unable to do both arms and legs, work up to this by starting with the modifications demonstrated in the link.
Scissor Kicks - Raise your legs and tighten your core so that you can feel your spine touching the ground.  Lower your legs slightly and find the spot where your core is still engaged but you are able to keep your spine on the ground - you don't want to feel too much strain on your lower back!  
Mountain Climbers - Keep your body a straight line and your arms perpendicular to the ground.  If it is hard to maintain correct form on the ground, try doing these with  your hands on a raised surface (think chair, bench, step, etc.)
*Focus on form first and foremost! Always quality over quantity.

Lastly, the muscles under your belly flab do not eat fat.  Doing these exercises will, without a doubt, strengthen your core - but you have to pair strength training with cardio and a healthy diet to shed pounds and/or maintain a healthy lifestyle.

So you can workout like Rocky did: Eye of the Tiger - Survivor


  1. Ann! Your blog is sweet/informative/witty/inspirational/visually appealing. Just added it to my bookmark bar. Way to go!


    1. Thanks Rach! I'm really glad you enjoy it :)
