Not convinced yet by how important of a meal breakfast is for your health, metabolism, AND weight maintenance? What if I were to tell you that it might be possible to eat less at lunch based on what grub you chowed down at breakfast? Well folks, that's exactly what I'm about to do. Studies have shown that consuming low-glycemic index (GI) foods for breakfast keep you feeling full longer and could result in a decreased lunch intake. So what does that mean, right?!
First let's define glycemic index as a ranking of carbohydrates on a scale
from 0 to 100 according to how much they raise blood sugar levels
after eating. Low-GI foods (<55) take longer to digest and result in gradual raises in blood sugar (as opposed to quick digestion & spikes in blood sugar for high-GI foods). This longer digestion & absence of a sugar spike, keep you feeling full longer and may very well cause you to eat less at lunch. I think that could be enough reason to give some of these low-GI breakfasts a try:
- Whole Grain Bread, Natural (no sugar, salt, oil added) Peanut Butter, & Banana
- Fat Free Cottage Cheese, Fresh Sliced Peach, & Walnuts
- Fat Free Plain Greek (or regular) Yogurt, Blueberries, Almonds, & Cinnamon
- Plain Shredded Wheat, Skim Milk, Banana, & Blueberries
- Poached Egg & Whole Grain Toast
- Oatmeal, Skim Milk, Strawberries, & Almonds
Ditch your Wheaties this week and eat a real breakfast of champions!!!
Sources: Glycaemic response to foods: Impact on satiety & weight regulation (ScienceDirect) & Low Glycemic Index Breakfasts and Reduced Food Intake in Preadolescent Children (Pediatrics)
Happy Post Labor Day! Some people say that Labor Day is officially the end of summer, but that's slightly depressing and it definitely still feels as hot as those summer months. That being said, let's introduce a challenge that will help maintain that beach body you worked so hard for all summer. In addition to the push-ups and planks that you have been doing every day (this is the last addition!), add in AT LEAST 10 squat jumps. These explosive squat jumps will engage your leg muscles, get your heart beating, and make use of your energy stores (this means burning calories!). Push-ups, planks, and squat jumps. Every day. WHEW! That is a full body workout that will leave you craving more. Make a promise to yourself to complete these three quick workouts every day this week and see how accomplished you feel by next Monday. Easy as 1-2-3, right?

If you haven't been following the previous workout challenges, be sure to check them out: Challenge 1, 2, and 3. Not sure how to properly perform a squat jump? Watch this demonstration!
ABC - Jackson 5