Happy Hump Day everyone! We're on the downhill of another week, rolling quickly towards the weekend. For the sake of sanity, enjoyment, and your health, I want you to slow down this week...and smell the flowers. The effect of flowers in a home (and in your life!) are breathtaking, refreshing, and a quick reminder that life is truly beautiful. Putting all sappiness aside, scientific research has supported that flowers have a positive effect on our emotions and therefore on our lives.

A study done at Rutgers University found that flowers have an immediate impact on happiness, as well as a long-term effect. Participants were surprised with flowers and immediately exhibited "true" and "excited" smiles. Responses to a follow-up survey showed less depression, anxiety, and higher life satisfaction (compared to those who did not receive flowers). It was also found that most people display flowers in welcoming and open areas of the home - implying that flowers may be a social symbol for sharing. Who wouldn't want to share that feel good mood?!
My advice for you is to share the happiness. Go out there and put a smile on someone's face with flowers (even if it's your own!). A happy life is a healthy life!
Thank you Ryan for my beautiful flowers and today's inspiration for writing!
Sources: An Environmental Approach to Positive Emotion: Flowers
Picture From: AboutFlowers
Flowers for a steal! Get the LivingSocial Deal at: http://www.livingsocial.com/cities/14/deals/435534-50-to-spend-on-flowers