Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Art of Popping Corn

My new favorite snack attack: home-popped popcorn.  It's easy, it's healthy, and best yet - it's oh so tasty!  I've been getting slightly frustrated lately with all the unnecessary additives in store bought foods that I love - especially my beloved movie night popcorn.  I figured I would buy plain, old-fashioned, organic kernels and pop my very own popcorn - preservative and additive FREE.  I was VERY pleased and even started experimenting with different methods...

I prefer stovetop popping, with a fairly deep pot and cover (or splatter screen).  The method is simple: turn the heat to medium-high and add your oil (or not, if you're dry popping) and about 3-4 kernels.  Cover the pot and wait to hear the first pop.  When you hear the pop, immediately add 1/2 cup of kernels (serves ~2-3) and slide the pot back and forth over the burner until the popping slows down.  Immediately remove, season, and enjoy.  Here are a few different popping options and tips:
  • Dry Popping - pop as instructed above, but with no oil or butter added. This way seems to be the easiest to burn, so the second that you hear popping slow, remove the pan from the heat and transfer to a bowl.
  • Popping with Oil - add ~ 2 Tbsp olive, grape seed, or 100% canola oil to a pan on medium-high heat.  Pop as instructed above.
  • Popping with Butter - add ~ 2 Tbsp reduced fat and unsalted butter to a pot on medium-high heat.  Pop as instructed above.
  • Popping with Butter & Oil - add 1 Tbsp reduced fat, unsalted butter and 1 Tbsp oil to a pan on medium-high heat.  Pop as instructed above!
  • TIP - try using a splatter screen instead of a closed lid.  This should let the condensation escape and result in fluffier popcorn.
Eat plain or season as you wish!  I like Salt & Pepper Popcorn - seasoned with salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder - YUM.        

Check out the ingredient list of your favorite microwave popcorns (as well as other foods) at LABELWATCH.

The Walk - Mayor Hawthorne

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