Friday, May 25, 2012

How to Survive Memorial Weekend

This upcoming weekend may be full of temptations in the form of party appetizers, sweet drinks, heavy beers, excessive consumption, and minimal exercise - but it doesn't have to be!  There is a way to survive.  Follow these tips so you can stay healthy and get in your exercise without sacrificing fun!

Top Ten Ways to Survive Memorial Weekend:

  1. Drink WATER - Chug a glass immediately when you wake up.  Drink a glass between drinks in order to stay hydrated and full (in hopes to prevent overeating or drinking!).
  2. RUN Errands - The house is out of solo cups?  Volunteer to run/bike/walk to the nearest store to pick them up.
  3. Stay ACTIVE - Opt in for the beach volleyball game or throw around the pigskin!  
  4. Fit in EXERCISE - It takes about 15 seconds to do 10 pushups, crunches, or squats.  Take a minute and do all three right before you hop in the shower (or whenever you can during the day).
  5. Be a PICKY Eater - Go for the veggies, fruit, and lean meats.  Avoid creamy & cheesy dips, fried foods, and pop.  Bring your own healthy dish to the party for a safe bet!
  6. Allow Yourself a TREAT - When you're surrounded by yummy snacks it is hard to stay disciplined.  If you know you're going to give in, decide ahead of time which food you're going to treat yourself with and stick to that one thing!
  7. Drink LIGHT - Stick to light beers over heavier ones or mixed drinks.  Less calories, less sugar, and more of a chance that you stay awake for the bonfire at night!
  8. Wear SUNSCREEN - This is just as important to keep track of as any food or drink.  Sure a summer bronze is ideal - but that's temporary - the wrinkles it causes stick with you forever (not to mention the risk of skin cancer).
  9. Get SLEEP - You'll thank yourself Tuesday if you vow to get in at LEAST 6 hours a night.
  10. Have FUN - Don't stress yourself out trying to follow all of these tips.  If you fall off the bandwagon a bit, start fresh the next day!  

Good Directions - Billy Currington

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